Live Demo wp-admin Credential:

If You like to check settings from wp Dashboard then please contact us through Item Page Support Tab. We will provide you Credential through email support.

For Security Reason we are not included wp-admin Credential here.


Documentation Included in the Purchased Download

Contact Buttons – All in One Button with Mailchimp Subscribe and Callback Request Form WordPress Plugin

Contact Buttons is a WordPress Plugin for adding All in One Button. It has designed to bring Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, Instagram, Google-plus, Github, Behance, Digg, Vimeo, Reddit, Xing, Tumblr, Whatsapp, Youtube,
Flickr, Skype, Viber, Telegram, WordPress, Mailchimp Subscribe and many more channels just in one button. Contact Buttons is Extremely easy Customizable.

Contact Buttons also included Mailchimp integrated Subscribe Form and a Ajax Callback Request Form. Contact Buttons is a full Responsive. It can be simply integrated at your site with the documentation help. It looks great with all types of devices. Try out the demo.




How to Configure



All icons are Font Awesome 6 icons like fa-solid fa-phone, fa-brands fa-facebook-f

contact buttons



Parent Button size: '32px', '64px'

contact buttons



Contact Link Button size: '32px', '64px'

'64px' required Parent Button size 64px

contact buttons



Vertical Position: top, bottom

contact buttons



Horizontal Position: 'Left', 'right'

contact buttons



Visibility: 'Visibile On Click', 'Visibile'

contact buttons



Parent inactive Button Text: keep Blank if you do not like to display text

Parent active Button Text: keep Blank if you do not like to display text

contact buttons




Scrrenshots of Demos


contact buttons Demos






    • Extremely easy Configuration
    • 28+ Pre Built Buttons
    • Very Easy Enable/Disable Button Configuration
    • Font Awesome 6 for Button Icon
    • Mailchimp integrated Subscribe popup modal Form
    • Ajax Callback Request popup modal Form
      • Admin/Recipient will receive an email with form all input values
    • Vertical Position
      • Top
      • Bottom
    • Horizontal Position
      • Left
      • Right
    • Contact Link Buttons Visibility on page Load
      • Visibile On Click
      • Visibile On Page Load
    • Parent Button Size
      • 32px
      • 64px
    • Contact Link Buttons Button Size
      • 32px
      • 64px (Required Parent Button Size 64px)
    • Parent inactive Button Text
      • Keep Blank (no text)
      • Input Text
    • Parent Active Button Text
      • Keep Blank (no text)
      • Input Text
  • Scroll Animation Effect ON/OFF (ON only for Horizontal Position: Left)
  • Configuration Options Included
    • Basic Settings
    • Mailchimp Subscribe Modal Option
    • Callback Modal Option
    • Call us Option
    • email us Option
    • Facebook Button Option
    • Twitter Button Option
    • Pinterest Button Option
    • Linkedin Button Option
    • Instagram Button Option
    • Googleplus Button Option
    • Github Button Option
    • Behance Button Option
    • Digg Button Option
    • Vimeo Button Option
    • Youtube Button Option
    • Reddit Button Option
    • Xing Button Option
    • Tumblr Button Option
    • Whatsapp Button Option
    • Flickr Button Option
    • Facebook Messanger Button Option
    • Skype Button Option
    • Viber Button Option
    • Telegram Button Option
    • WordPress Button Option
    • Contact Form Button Option
    • Extra Button 1 Option
    • Extra Button 2 Option
    • Extra Button 3 Option
  • 100% Responsive & Mobile-Friendly Layout
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Well Documentation ( proper help instructions for setup )
  • Dedicated Support
  • and Much More!

Configuration Included for The Following

Configuration Screenshots

Contact Buttons Features

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