Contact Buttons - All in One Button with Mailchimp Subscribe and Callback Request Form jQuery Plugin
Contact Buttons is a jQuery plugin for adding All in One Button on your Website. It has designed to bring Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, Instagram, Google-plus, Github, Behance, Digg, Vimeo, Reddit, Xing, Tumblr, Whatsapp, Youtube,
Flickr, Skype, Viber, Telegram, Wordpress, Mailchimp Subscribe and many more channels just in one button. Contact Buttons is Extremely easy Customizable.
Contact Buttons also included Mailchimp integrated Subscribe Form and a PHP Working Ajax Callback Request Form. Contact Buttons is a full Responsive. It can be simply integrated at your site with the documentation help. It looks great with all types of devices. Try out the demo.

How to Configure
All icons are Font Awesome 6 icons like fa-solid fa-phone
, fa-solid fa-envelope
Parent Button size: '32px', '64px'
default: '32px'
cbparentbtnsize : '64px',
Contact Link Button size: '32px', '64px'
default: '32px'
cblinkbtnsize : '32px',
required Parent Button size 64px cbparentbtnsize : '64px',
Vertical Position: top, bottom
default: 'bottom'
cbvposition : 'bottom',
Horizontal Position: '', 'right'
default: '' - Placed Left
cbhposition : '',
Visibility: '', 'on'
default: '' - visibility hidden
cbbtnvisibility : '',
Parent inactive Button Text: default: '' - No Text
mgscbinactivebtntext : 'Click on me<br> if you need help!',
Parent active Button Text: default: '' - No Text
mgscbactivebtntext : 'Click on what you<br> need help on!',
Scrrenshots of Demos